Our Engagement Photos

I've been ridiculously excited about getting our engagement photos done because our photographer is so amazing.  His name is Dave Jackson, and he's an Editorial Portrait photographer.  You know... the kinds of images you see in magazines.  That's his talent.

With that, I bring you guys our engagement photos.  All four of them.  And they're PERFECT.  He truly makes me feel like a celebrity when I look at these photos.  Worth. Every. Penny.

Check out his website:  http://www.davidejackson.com/

Storms and Such...

Hey all.

#1)  I hope Fitbloggin' was amazing.  I couldn't go for a few different reasons, but maybe next year.

#2)  I've been super busy with lots of photography related things, including lots of storm chasing.  If you're interested, check out the blog at http://faceofastorm.blogspot.com/ - I recount every trip, and at this point have nabbed 4 tornadoes for the season so far.

#3)  Wedding planning is going well, we had our engagement photos done a few days ago and I'll definitely share them when I get them!

In fitness / health news, I'm back down to around 168-170-ish.  I weighed in a few days ago, and haven't since.  I'm sort of in a limbo mode and not actively trying to lose.  I went low carb for a week or so to drop a few extra pounds of water weight before our engagement session.  Other than that, not really trying for anything.

My latest thing is that I want to get a bike.  I've actually wanted one for a few years but never buy one.  I'm determined to get one, I feel like I'd ride it all the time!

I'll check back in later. :)

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