New Photos and stuff!

Hello everyone!

Well, thought I'd pop in and say hi.  Things have finally started to slow down with the business (though I have three shoots this week and the bridal show this weekend!) - I'm not feeling so much like I'm losing my mind lately as I have for the last three months.

I got some new promo photos done by the lovely Molly Marie, so I thought I'd share them with you all!  Considering I've been on and off plan - weight fluctuating between 158 and 161 for the last several weeks... I felt pretty good about myself after seeing the photos.  (I'll share more once I get the disc from her.)

On a side note... I've been really inspired lately (or should I say, jealous?) of Whitney over at Slimming Down for the Gown.  Her weight loss progress is where mine should be.  We really were losing weight around the same rate at the beginning, but her dedication has surpassed mine, and she's already down to 148!  Every time I see her updates, I feel guilty about slacking in my healthy lifestyle and going in and out of being comfortable in my plateau.  :(

Aside from that, I've just been working a lot, as usual. :)~  I've got the bridal show coming up on Sunday, so I'll be sure to post some photos from that so you can see it.  Cross your fingers that I'll get a lot of business!
