Post Wedding Fatty

Well, hi!

I'm officially a week and a half in from the wedding, and I'm already becoming a fat married lady.  It's been a whole lot of "you're gorgeous, bridey pants!" and then, lots of "nom nom nom I can eat whatever I want!"  It started with wedding cake and was followed by even MORE wedding cake, other types of cake, some candy, taco bell, and god knows what else.

I know I'm very close behind the taco bell incident last night and the cracker barrel Sunrise Sampler issue yesterday morning, but I weighed in at a frighting 182 this morning.  Now, I've not quite had 5 hours of sleep, but at this rate, my new wedding band will be permanently fused to my finger in a bad way.

On the docket for today:
1.  Bike ride.   Accomplished!  I rode my bike 2.10 miles to get some coffee from Walgreens. :)

2.  Grocery store for operation healthy food restocking
3.  Clean the house & do some photo editing
4.  Try to get a sense of "yes I can lose this 20 pounds"

I hate this.
